Change is Scary, Change is Hard, Change is Good
TLDR: We’re moving... Not far though
A Letter From Nick
Depending on how long you have been part of this amazing Greenlight Comics community, you may or may not know who I am. I’m Nick, one of the owners here. Unfortunately, I don’t spend much time in the shop anymore, but I am still heavily involved in the backend of making things run smoothly. If you’ve ever used our “Invoice Please” service, for example, that one was all me.
Okay, back on topic. We have been open for 7 years and have always been very proud of the space that we have built at 18 Stephens Place. While small business retail is always a bit of a roller coaster, the last few years have been incredibly challenging in our specific little corner of the world. Since the start of COVID in 2020 it’s felt more like bumper cars than a roller coaster, with drastic changes in the landscape of how books are distributed to us, ludicrous swings in freight pricing, and big shifts in how customers get their books from us.

With things not looking like they are going to get any simpler, we have made the very difficult decision to make some changes. First off …. We’re moving. We have been given the opportunity to relocate into a smaller space just around the corner from our current location.
The decision we have made hasn’t been a simple one, but our vision, as it has always been, is to deliver the best comic, trade, and manga buying experience possibly available. And to be the shop that we would want to shop at. While our current home has always been an important part of delivery on that vision, we believe that we can not only keep delivering from a new space, but do it better. More recommendations, more communication, more options and opportunities to buy the books you love. The smaller space means less money spent on rent and more money spent on books!
So, what do you need to know?
- The new address is Shop 4, Parc Arcade. Accessible from both Stephens Place & Gawler Place.
- We will be closed this Friday and Saturday 26th-27th of January. Feel free to wander by and pop your head in to cheer us on!
- Our phone and text line won’t be changing.
- There will be more changes happening in the coming weeks, as they come we will shout them from the rooftops.
That’s all we have for now. We really hope you drop by to see the new space and grab some new reads to sink your teeth into.
– Nick