"Adventures Of The Amazing Pet-Sitter!"
Title: Spider-Man: Animals Assemble!
Author/Artist: Mike Maihack
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Category: Family
Review by Brayden (they/them)
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Looking for a great Spider-Man book that walks the line between easy-to-read picture book and full on superhero comic? Look no further! A new series has begun from Marvel Comics & Abrams Books: ‘A Mighty Marvel Team-Up‘ looks to give younger readers and fans of all ages some great fun, with the first to release ‘Spider-Man: Animals Assemble!‘ leading the way for an adorably funny adventure with everyones favourite New York City teen hero! I had this book pre-ordered the second it was announced, as I’ve followed Mike Maihack on Instagram for ages and I truly love his style, so allow me to tell you first hand that this book does not dissapoint! Not only is the art gorgeous, the writing is charming and super fun as it weaves an easy to follow adventure through the rooftops of The Big Apple, all the way to the super-villain threat awaiting in Central Park.
The book starts with the most digestable Spider-Man origin story explainer I have ever seen, giving you in one-page what takes up over 20+ minutes each in multiple movie adaptations. Spidey befriends a pigeon, then is tasked with petsitting for The Avengers, from Throg to Lucky The Pizza Dog to Hulk’s definitely-not-a-safety-hazard Gamma Irradiated Axolotl! Playing on the classic lessons of Spider-Man stories of the last 60 years, this book has a fun take on the old Power = Responsibility message and puts it in a perspective a child can grasp onto: PETS!

This is a super solid book and the exact type of read that I wish I had when I was a little kid! It’s a lovely little hardcover that will be more durable when you are reading to one of those really little humans and the artwork is sure to be appreciated by all ages.
I was super excited to see that we are getting a second book in the series, ‘Spider-Man: Quantum Quest!‘, an adventure featuring The Fantastic Four, Ant-Man & The Wasp and She-Hulk (I even spy a little Jeff The Landshark on the cover!) which releases at the start of 2024!